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Solar Eclipse - New Beginnings

With the solar eclipse beginning within the hour, it seems an auspicious time to write the first post for this positive blog. The eclipse sees the moon block our view of the sun. A time of renewal. New beginnings. Wiping the slate clean.

Back in February 2017, I began a personal journey to ‘find myself’. If there was ever an overused word…

But I had to. I had completely lost myself amid the chaos caused by my missing brother, Christian, appearing out of the ether after 13 years. This was March 2016. When I say he ‘appeared’, I really mean like an apparition – like a ghost or shadow. I caught a glimpse of him.

But it was enough for me to reinstate a search for Chris, this time using the power of social media to track his movements. He had gone missing in Mali, Africa, in 2013 and, with the help of strangers, he appeared in Kenya, via Ghana. I did everything I could to reach out to him.

But then the trail went cold. And my mind imploded. Peace was shattered.

If I hadn’t have received help, I’m not sure I would be here now. But I was given guidance, support and love from several sources and put on the right track. In February 2017, I began to explore the answer to this question: “Who are you?”

A simple question. But, oh, so complex to answer. I hope in this blog to show how I moved from pain, despair and numbness (because I couldn’t reach my brother) to how I feel today, come the solar eclipse 2017.

I have forgiven, released and removed all the past ‘muck’ in our relationship and also found self-love. I can now give my brother unconditional love. The time is at hand when he will contact me – I have total faith.

Love eclipses all.

Here is an article written about Christian’s ghostly reappearance.

Here is an article I wrote at the end of 2016: it’s unhappy reading.

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