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NEW FOR 2021... begins Monday, 18th January 2021


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Featured on the #1 positive talk network, streaming live on: and

The Finder of Lost Things

radio show and podcast seeks to inspire and empower listeners to trust in their own power to heal their deepest pain, and to share the actionable process that Hannah and Christian Velten discovered in their unique journey of loss, exploration, and healing. 


You can heal your grief and bring back joy and purpose to your life by looking inward, receiving support, and trusting deeply in yourself.

Podcast - Playback

Show Notes & Community (click on image below)


Full show notes, including transcriptions and guest information, will be available by end of Tuesday, after Monday's show.

The Finder of Lost Things podcast

YouTube - Playback

Playlist of Films - click here to view

Show Description:


Hannah Velten met her grief in 2003 when her brother, Christian disappeared on a solo expedition to Mali, Africa while retracing the footsteps of the Scottish explorer, Mungo Park. Christian vanished without a trace: no hard evidence, very few clues, no closure. His story and his future were lost with him. For more than a decade, Hannah lived in the stagnant waters of grief, unable to speak about Christian. His disappearance consciously and subconsciously consumed every aspect of her life until she hit a point where she had no choice but to surrender. To find the courage to look inwards for what was missing.

Hannah connected with Christian in spirit, and together they embarked on a new expedition to find all that was lost to them and heal their grief. She was able to retrace his last steps through trance-mediumship, finding the missing pieces of his story and along the way finding the missing pieces of herself.


In their remarkable journey together, Hannah and Christian discovered an eight-step healing process that completely transformed Hannah’s life. The Finder of Lost Things: Exploring your Superpowers of Trust, Healing, and Transformation with Hannah Velten seeks to inspire and empower listeners to trust in their own power to heal their deepest pain, and to share the actionable process that Hannah and Christian discovered in their unique journey of loss, exploration, and healing.

Amidst today’s trying times, the world is faced with the relentless challenge of overcoming the chaos and pain brought on by Covid-19 and social division. As a result, we are met with a second pandemic, one of individual and collective loss. Many have lost loved ones without an opportunity to say goodbye, and those who have not faced the worst-case scenario are struggling with the loss of financial stability, social enrichment, and the world that used to be. This grief is real. The pain is valid. But this is the perfect time for wholeness to be found. Hannah has been called to share her story now, in a time when people have little choice but to sit in stillness with their loss. 

Join Hannah (and Christian) as she tells her incredibly uplifting story and learn how you too can find your lost things. You can heal your grief and bring back joy and purpose to your life by looking inward, receiving support, and trusting deeply in yourself.

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